The following is a list of entitlements and permits that Mailian & Associates specialize in. In order to provide you our services in the most efficient manner, we provide a half-hour complimentary, predevelopment, consulting conference. However, if a meeting is requested, we will gladly meet you at the project site or an agreed location to further discuss your project. This field meeting requires a fee, which can be credited toward your final project if represented through Mailian & Associates.
A unique service of Mailian & Associates that has become most popular amongst our clients is our Initial Land Use/ Zoning Research. This service is project-specific due diligence, which outlines a step-by-step process for each project, including estimated project fees, estimated time-frames, and application requirements. This service requires a fee, which can be credited toward your final project if represented through Mailian & Associates.
Entitlement Services include, but not limited to:
Conditional Use– all types
Variance – all types
Zone Change/ Plan Amendment
Plan Approval
Lot Line Adjustment
Certificate of Compliance
Local and State Coastal Development Permits
Environmental Clearance
Project Permit Compliance/ Design Review Board
Historic Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ)
Code Enforcement Violation(s)
Council District Office, Neighborhood Council, and Community Outreach
Permit Services include, but not limited to:
Retaining Wall(s)